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<title>Cobian Backup help files - Options</title>
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<h2 class="style1">Options</h2>
<h2>General tab</h2>
<span class="style2">Autostart</span> - When the program is running as an application,
you can change the way it will start when Windows starts. This is
disabled if the program executes as a service.<p>
<span class="style2">Autostart interface for the service</span>: If the program is
working as a service, you can autostart the interface or disabled
it.<p><span class="style2">Service - Install, Uninstall, Start, Stop,
Login</span>: Here you can control your service without the need of
going to the Control Panel or without reinstalling the program. If
the service is installed as an application, and you want to change
it to run as a service, just select Install. Sometimes you
may need to re-enter the password of the account under which the
service is running. You can do it by clicking Logon.
<p><span class="style2">Automatically check for new versions </span>-
(Default checked) If checked, the program will contact the server
once a week to see if new versions are available.<p>
<span class="style2">Language</span> - Choose the language to use. You can make and use
your own translation using the Translation tool.<p>
<span class="style2">Temporary directory</span> - Directory to be used for zip
operations. <font color="#FF0000">Warning</font>, if you
don't have enough free space in this directory, the compressing or
encrypting operations may fail.</p>
<span class="style2">Hotkey</span> - Here you can configure a hot key which will open the
user interface for you.</p>
<span class="style2">Backup everything on start</span>: Start a
backup of all tasks when the program starts</p>
<h2>Log tab</h2>
<span class="style2">Log events</span> - (Default checked) A log file will be created if
checked. Uncheck this if you don't need a log file.
<p><span class="style2">Log errors only</span> -(Default unchecked) Check
it if you only want to add an entry into the log file when some
operation fails. Operations that are successfully done are not
<p><span class="style2">Verbose</span>: If checked, every single
operation, even trivial ones, are logged into the log file. This may
result in a vary large log file. Use only if you are debugging
or trying to find some problem with your backup.<p>
<span class="style2">Show the log in real time</span>: If checked, all the events that are
being added to the log file, will be shown in the interface in real
time.<p><span class="style2">Mail log</span> - (Default unchecked) If you
are running Cobian Backup on some remote computer, you may
want to get the log file daily in your mail box. Check this option
if you want the program to mail the log to you.
<p><span class="style2">Delete on mail</span>
- (Default checked) If the mail log is successfully mailed, then
delete the log file from the disk.
<p><span class="style2">Mail as attachment</span> - (Default
unchecked) If checked, you will get the log file as a zipped
attachment, else the log file will be delivered in the message body.
<p><span class="style2">Mail if errors only</span> - (Default unchecked)
If checked, the program will check if the log file has errors
operations on it. If errors are found in the log file, the log will
be mailed, otherwise it will not be send.
<p><span class="style2">Time to mail</span> - Time when you want the log
file to be sent.
<p><span class="style2">Mail after backup</span>: If checked, the log file
will be mailed directly when a backup ends.<h2>
<p><span class="style2">Sender's name</span>
- This is the name that will appear on the From field of the mail
<p><span class="style2">Subject</span>: Enter the subject to use for your
mails.<p><span class="style2">Sender's address</span>: The e-mail address
of the server. Some SMTP servers verify the sender's e-mail.
<p><span class="style2">SMTP server</span> - Cobian Backup needs an SMTP
server in order to mail you the log file. Enter the server name or
IP address here.
<p><span class="style2">Port</span> - The port your SMTP server is using.
<p><span class="style2">Recipients</span> - The e-mail addresses
where the log file will be sent to. You can enter multiple addresses
here.<p><span class="style2">Unicode headers</span>: Encode the
headers of the letter using UTF-8<p><span class="style2">Unicode
body</span>: Encode the body of the letter using UTF-8<p>
<span class="style2">Logon</span> -Some SMTP servers need authentication. Chose
None if you don't need to authentify with the server.
<p><span class="style2">User name</span> -If you are using a secure SMTP server,
here is where you enter your ID.
<p><span class="style2">Password</span> -If you are using a secure SMTP
sever, here is where you enter your SMTP password.
<p><span class="style2">Pipeline</span>: Indicates if command pipelining
should be used for the SMTP client connection.</p>
<p><span class="style2">Use Ehlo</span>: Indicates the SMTP client desires
authentication type information from the SMTP server.</p>
<p><span class="style2">Helo name</span>: Represents the identity name of
the client establishing a connection to the SMTP server using either
the SMTP EHLO or HELO command verbs.</p>
<p><span class="style2">Mail proxy</span>: Configure the proxy
server to use<p><span class="style2">SSL settings</span>: If the
SMTP server needs SSL encryption, then configure the settings here.<h2>FTP tab</h2>
<span class="style2">Limit FTP speed</span>: If checked, the speed of the data transfer
will be limited, thus making more bandwidth available for other
<p><span class="style2">Speed</span>: The speed in bits per second to use
if you want to limit your bandwidth.</p>
<p><span class="style2">ASCII extensions</span>: Some systems stores
binary files and text files in different ways. An application should
use the Binary transfer type for transferring executables,
compressed files, graphics, and multimedia files. Use the ASCII
transfer type for 7bit ASCII files, such as text or Hyper Text
Markup Language. Here you can enter some extensions to be
transferred as ASCII files. You separate the extensions with a comma
(,) . Include the dot of the extension. Example: .txt,.htm,.ini </p>
<h2>Management tab</h2>
<span class="style2">Protect the user interface</span> - If the password is not empty,
the user interface will prompt for a password when the user clicks
on any button or when the user tries to exit the program.
<p><span class="style2">Protect the main window</span>: The main window
will not be shown without the password.<p>
<span class="style2">Password</span> - Password to be used to protect the user
interface, the main window and to remote logon
into the engine.<p>
<span class="style2">Clear the password cache</span> - When you minimize the user
interface, you will need to re-enter the password to open it again.<p>
<span class="style2">Managed</span>: Check if you want
to control the program from a remote machine.<p>
<span class="style2">Client ID</span>: The name that will identify
the client in the manager window.<p>
<span class="style2">Manager's IP address</span>: The ip
address or hosr name where the Manager is running<p>
<span class="style2">Port</span>: The port that the Manager
uses to listen for connections. The default port is 16010.<p>
<span class="style2">Remote password</span>: The password used to
authentify when the remote client connects.<p>
In the Manager:<p>
<span class="style2">Allowed clients</span>: Only the clients
present in this list are allowed to connect. You can use * to
indicate a subnet or interval. Example: 130.239.* <h2>
<span class="style2">Interface Font</span>- Change the font to use with the user
<span class="style2">Show hints</span>: Show the tool tips in the user interface.<p>
<span class="style2">Hint color</span>: Here you can change the color of the tool tips.<p>
<span class="style2">Hint pause</span>: Time in milliseconds before hiding the tool tips<p>
<span class="style2">Use XP style:</span> If the program is running under XP or some
other system which supports the new "XP style", use it.<p>
<span class="style2">Show percent in progress bar</span>: Show the percent as a
number in the progress bar<p>
<span class="style2">Show all icons</span>: Show icons in the tabs of the user
interface.<p><span class="style2">Confirm running tasks manually</span>:
If checked, the user will get a confirmation dialog when the buttons
"Backup all" or "Backup selected" are clicked.</p>
<p><span class="style2">Confirm when exiting</span>: If the program is
running as a service and the user closes the user interface, the
user will get a confirmation dialog.</p>
<p><span class="style2">Show welcome screen</span>: When the user
interface starts, a hint window will be shown.</p>
<p><span class="style2">Close other instances</span>: If some other
instance of the user interface is open (for example, for other
user on other desktop), it will be closed.</p><p>
<span class="style2">Warn when running multiple instances:</span> Cobian Backup cannot
run multiple instances in the same machine. If this option is
checked, the user will get a dialog box telling him/her that the
application is already running. If unchecked, the user will not get
any information and the second instance will be silently closed.</p>
<p> </p>
<span class="style2">Save special and event settings</span>: When an user creates a new
task, the last introduced settings are saved. If this option is
selected, the settings in the "Events" and "Special" are also
remembered by the program.<p>
<span class="style2">Calculate sizes</span>: calculating the files sizes can be a very
time - and resource consuming operation. If you feel that your
computer is slow or that the disk access is very intensive when the
program starts, unselect this option.<p>
<span class="style2">Show backup hints:</span> When a backup begins or ends, a hint
window will be shown.<p>
<span class="style2">Show a dialog box when the backup is done</span>: When a backup is
done, a dialog box will be shown indicating this event.<p>
<span class="style2">Play a sound when the backup is done</span>: Plays the sound you
select when the backup is done<p><span class="style2">Run missed
backups</span>: If checked, every time you start the user interface, it
will check if some scheduled backups could not be executed for any
reason (computer off, etc) and a dialog will show up asking the user
to backup those tasks now. The task in question must have as minimum
one previous executed backup for this function to work. Only the
tasks with a Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly schedule will be
analyzed. </p>
<p><span class="style2">Run without asking</span>: If the above option is
selected, the backup of the missed tasks will be started without
<p><span class="style2">Automatically convert to UNC paths</span>: If the
program is installed as a service, it can have problems identifying
mapped drives. So if you select a mapped drive, it will
automatically be converted to a UNC path.</p>
<p><span class="style2">Kill when shutting down</span>:
If the program will restart or shut down the system and some
application has unsaved data, it will often wait for confirmation
about saving or discarding information. If this option is selected,
the program will be closed using brute force. Data can be lost that
way, so use this at your own risk.</p>
<h2>Compression tab</h2>
<span class="style2">Check archive</span> - (Default checked) When the compression is
done, check the validity of the archive.<p>
<span class="style2">Always use the task name</span>: When compressing, use the task name
as the base name for the archive. This way, you can change the name
of the resulting archive.<p>
<span class="style2">Absolute paths</span> - (Default unchecked) If checked, path
information will be stored on the archive (for example My documents\test.doc)
. If unchecked only the path relative to the current directory will
be stored (test.doc).<p>
<span class="style2">OEM file names </span>- (Default checked) Run the file name through
an OEM conversion to make the file names ASCII compatible.<p>
<span class="style2">Advanced naming</span>: If checked, the split archives will take the
names Archive_001.zip, Archive_002.zip, etc. If unchecked, the
program will use the classic method of naming archives: Archive.zip,
Archive.z01, etc. Be warned: some zip programs seems to be
very confused by this advanced naming.<p>
<span class="style2">Use Zip64</span>: Select which type of zip archives will be
created. If you select to disable Zip64, the resulting Zip archives
cannot be larger than 2 Gb. If you select Automatically, Cobian Backup
will automatically choose the best method for every archive.<p>
<span class="style2">Zip level </span>- (Default 6) Level of the compression to use. If
you set it to 0, the files will not be compressed, only stored in
the archive. 9 gives the maximal compression.<p>
<span class="style2">Unicode Files Names</span>: Store the file
names on the archive as unicode. This is not a standard zip feature.<p>
<span class="style2">7zip compression type</span>: (Default:LZMA)
Select the type of compression to use.<p>
<span class="style2">Compression level</span>: Level of compression
for the 7zip archives.<p>
<span class="style2">Use solid compression</span>: Solid compressed
archives are more effective and have a better compression but are
actually slower to create and cannot be updated.<p>
<span class="style2">Include drive letter</span>: Include the drive
letter in the name of the stored file.<p>
<span class="style2">Encrypt file name</span>: if you are protecting
your 7zip archive with a password, you can also encrypt the file
Engine - Advanced</h2>
<span class="style2">Calculate the progress exactly</span>: The engine will count the
files before a backup begins. This is used to give you the exact
total percent of the backup. If you uncheck this, the total percent
of the operation will not be shown.<p><span class="style2">Low priority
copying thread</span> - (Default unchecked) If you feel that your
computer becomes slow when backup is going on and you don't mind a
slower backup, check this to low the priority of the thread. The
backups will take much longer but the computer will become more
responsive. </p>
<p><span class="style2">Use several methods for copy</span> - (Default
checked) Cobian Backup uses streams to copy files. Sometimes for
some reason this method fails but Windows Explorer inexplicably can
copy the same file. If this is checked, and the main method fails,
use 2 other alternative methods. </p>
<span class="style2">Use only shell methods</span>: Use only ShFileOperationW to copy
<span class="style2">Copy file attributes</span>: When a file is copied, the file's
attributes are also applied to the destination file.<p>
<span class="style2">Copy file timestamps</span>: When a file is copied, the file's
timestamp is also applied to the destination file.<p>
<span class="style2">Always create directories</span>: If checked, a directory with the
same name than the directory to copy will be created in the
destination. For example, copying c:\test\mydir to d:\ will
create the directory d:\mydir. If unchecked, the contain of the
directory will just be directly copied into d:\.<p>
<span class="style2">Apply masks to subdirectories</span>: When using exclusion/inclusion
masks you can check this options to apply the masks to all the
subdirectories as well. For example, if the mask is c:\mydir\*.txt
then c:\mydir\subdir\atext.txt will match the mask if this option is
selected because the masks applies to all subdirectories oc c:\mydir.
Please bear in mind that including a whole directory using the Add
directory button in the mask dialog will always include the
subdirectories as well. That means that this option will not apply
to any *.* mask.<p>
<span class="style2">Do not separate the timestamp</span>: The file name and the
timestamp are separated by a "-" and not by a space:
<span class="style2">Delete empty directories</span>: If checked, empty directories will
not be created in the destination.<p>
<span class="style2">Include junction points</span>: If selected, then if the source contains a
junction point, it will be copied. If unchecked, the junction point
is ignored.<p>
<span class="style2">IPC sleep time</span> : Time used by the IPC thread to sleep. Do not
change this option.<p>
<span class="style2">Connection timeout</span>: Connection timeout in milliseconds for
the TCP/IP protocol.<p>
<span class="style2">Threads sleep time</span>: Time in milliseconds used by other
threads to sleep. Do not change this option.<p>
<span class="style2">Read timeout for TCP</span>: Timeout for read operations for the
TCP/IP protocol.<p>
<span class="style2">Date/time format:</span> You can change the format of the date and
time to use in your file names. bear in mind that some characters
like ":" or "/" are illegal in file names. The format symbols that
you can use are:<p>
d Displays the day as a number without a leading zero (1-31).<p>
dd Displays the day as a number with a leading zero (01-31).<p>
ddd Displays the day as an abbreviation (Sun-Sat)
dddd Displays the day as a full name (Sunday-Saturday)
m Displays the month as a number without a leading zero (1-12)<p>
mm Displays the month as a number with a leading zero (01-12)<p>
mmm Displays the month as an abbreviation (Jan-Dec)
mmmm Displays the month as a full name (January-December)
yy Displays the year as a two-digit number (00-99).<p>
yyyy Displays the year as a four-digit number (0000-9999).<p>
h Displays the hour without a leading zero (0-23).<p>
hh Displays the hour with a leading zero (00-23).<p>
n Displays the minute without a leading zero (0-59).<p>
nn Displays the minute with a leading zero (00-59).<p>
s Displays the second without a leading zero (0-59).<p>
ss Displays the second with a leading zero (00-59).<p>
z Displays the millisecond without a leading zero (0-999).<p>
zzz Displays the millisecond with a leading zero (000-999).<p>
am/pm Uses the 12-hour clock for the preceding h or hh specifier,
and displays 'am' for any hour before noon, and 'pm' for any hour
after noon. The am/pm specifier can use lower, upper, or mixed case,
and the result is displayed accordingly.<p>
a/p Uses the 12-hour clock for the preceding h or hh specifier, and
displays 'a' for any hour before noon, and 'p' for any hour after
noon. The a/p specifier can use lower, upper, or mixed case, and the
result is displayed accordingly.<p>
<span class="style2">Buffer size</span>: Size of the buffer to use when copying files.<p>
<span class="style2">Make the first backup full</span>: If checked (default), the first
backup of a task will be FULL, despite it's original type. This is
recommended because this guarantees that you get at least one full
set of your files, which is good to have in case of disaster.<p>
<span class="style2">Check CRC for copy operations</span>: Check the CRC of all the files
when the backup is not compressed. The backup will then be about 3
times slower.<p>
<span class="style2">Copy NTFS permissions:</span> If possible, copy the NTFS permissions
of the files. This may need administrator rights.<p>
<span class="style2">Timeout for the UI response</span>: Sometimes the engine needs to
wait for the interface when the UI is closing or executing
programs. This is the timeout for this operation in milliseconds.<p>
<span class="style2">Safe mirrors</span>: To make mirror operations
somewhat safer, a "safe mirror" option can be chosen in the Options
dialog. If Safe Mirror is selected, files with non-existing source
counterparts will be moved to the selected directory.<p>
<span class="style2">Prevent sleeping</span>: If checked, the
program will prevent the system from entering Sleep mode if a backup
operation is going on<p>
<p class="style1">
<a href="index_en.htm">Index</a></td>
<p class="style1">âŒ2000-2012 by Luis Cobian<br>
All rights reserved</td>